Neptune Systems Apex – Trident Reagent Kit 6 months Supply


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REF: 502765601610818 Categoria: Etiqueta:

Neptune System’s Replacement Reagent Kit comes with everything you need to change out the reagents for the Trident Marine Water Analyzing System. Each kit comes with new bottles that can be placed directly into the Trident’s reagent holder and only takes a few minutes to exchange the old for the new.

Amount of Tests:

Includes three 2-Month Trident Reagent Kits!*

Based on the default testing schedule of 4x alkalinity, 2x calcium, and 2x magnesium tests per day, each reagent kit will last approximately 2-months before a new reagent is required.

720x Alkalinity Tests (reagent changed every month)

360x Calcium Tests (reagent changed every 2-months)

360x Magnesium Tests (reagent changed every 2-months)

What’s Included?

6x Reagent A

3x Reagent B

3x Reagent C

3x Seawater Calibration Sample

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