Dr. Bassleer Biofish-Food Garlic M 60g


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REF: MU-141371 Categoria: Etiqueta:

Dr. Bassleer Biofish Food forte M in the grain size 0.5 – 0.8 mm for all fish from approx. 1 cm. Dr. Bassleer Biofish Food garlic contains natural garlic. It is also a popular food with ornamental fish which have contracted disease and often suffer from loss of appetite. Garlic contains the natural active agent allicin, a very high proportion of manganese and vitamin B6 and is a very rich source of trace elements (selenium, iodine germanium, etc.) and enzymes. To take care of the valuable ingredients, natural galic is taken only (no granulate), which will be added after the granulation process to the food.
Dr. Bassleer Biofish Food garlic M for all fish bigger than 1 cm

Recommended feeding for Dr. Bassleer Biofish Food garlic M:
Feed the fish several times a day with only as much food as the fish can consume within a few minutes.

Crude protein: 54 %
Crude fat: 16 %
Crude fibre: 4 %
Crude ash: 10%
Water: 6%

Vitamin A: 17000 IE/kg
Vitamin D3: 3000 IE/kg
Vitamin E: 400 mg/kg
Vitamin C: 300 mg/kg

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